


After her retirement, Wei started to write down her experiences in China and the US. Many of the writings had been published in magazines and newspapers in the US and China.

Her writing is simple, meticulous, and vivid. These writings reflected life and traditions during a special era of social turmoils and changes.  Many of her writings are included in her book Wei‘s Writings. Here are some of them.

回忆母亲 My Mother





Wei’s Preface: My mother Lijie Wu was born at the end of the Qing Dynasty. She had lived through three different dynasties of China: the last emperor, the nationalist, and the communist. She had a life of great disparity between wealth and poverty, tranquility and turmoil.

She grew up in a rich family. She escaped hardship when the Red Army passed through northern Sichuan and avoided Japanese bombing during War II. She has experienced the violent storms of “class struggle” under Mao.

After China’s “reform” and reopening up, her family recovered and stabilized. She had also traveled overseas and had a taste of the western world. Mother’s 94 years of life experience is a portrayal of China’s history in the past century.

I wrote my recollections of my mother and hope the humanity and history reflected in her life will be a lasting souvenir for future generations of our family.

   更多《回忆母亲》Memories of My Mother

陈年旧事 Recollections

学薇关于国内生活和工作的回忆。Recollections of life and work in China.

  • 小皮箱 — 忆祖父
    60 年代中期的一个夏日清晨,灿烂的阳光从窗户照进来。楼下的人们洗衣服“擦擦”的刷子声、搓衣服声和抖衣服声汇成一片。还有人叫喊着牵绳子,准备晾晒衣服,看来大家正…
  • 一颗糖
    我在超级市场购物,路过花样繁多的糖果区时,我经常会想起 40年前我荷包里的那颗珍贵的糖。 那是 1960 年初中国的大跃进时期。一天我走在田埂上,见农田大片荒芜…
  • 叫门声声
    “叮当”,门铃声响,先生立刻前去开门,接过UPS送来的邮件,屋里又安静下来。然而,我脑海里却响起了过去种种叫门声和敲门声。。。 大陆家用…

更多《陈年旧事》 Recollections

医疗咨询服务 Medical Consultation


After moved to the US, Wei had provided and organized free medical consultations for Chinese immigrants in the US and other countries. There was a time over one hundred doctors joined the effort. The effort lasted for almost 10 years till Chinese doctors in practice became widely available. Here are some writings about this service.

  • 医疗咨询日记选
    1997 年 8 月 1 日王是良性葡萄胎,手术后Hcg的水平不下降,且腹部又迅速增大,她惧怕患绒癌,打电话来咨询,一天内打了两三次电话,太太问了,先生又问。我…
  • 雨天的热闹
  • 朋友来相会
    天气真冷,小湖结了冰,亮晶晶的。虽然我们从车库里上车,但冰冷的车椅和车内的寒气还是让我缩起身子,上下牙齿不自觉打起哆嗦 。上路了,路两边铲除的积雪堆得高高矮矮,…

更多《医疗咨询》Medical Consultation

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